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LD ~ Venus


1.“With The Presence of LD ~ Venus My Leucorrhoea Problem Became Better”

Puan Awa Bt. Ali
I am a mother of 4 beautiful kids who were all born through caesarean. This seemed to be the reason why my health had slackended during my confinement period. As a result, I suffered from leucorrhoea. This suffering resulted in terrible and severe itchiness.

After I was introduced to LD~Venus and began using it. I was suprised as my leucorrhoea problem became better and my relationship with my husband began to feel as if we were 10 years younger. Thank you LD ~ Venus for appearing in my life.


2 “Prolapsed Uterus”

Tan Poo Chu
When I was much younger, I used to hear about prolapsed uterus after delivery. At first, I did not believe it, as it was too scary to even think of. However, after I gave firth, I believed in it completely as I went through it. It is a tremendouly torturous period that one would never want to go through, especially after my third delievery.

After my delivery, the change of hormones left pigmentation problems on my skin. It began to scare me and I knew that I needed to get rid of them. I was then introduced to LD ~ Venus. I sed it for 5 days - 2 bottles a day and I could feel the tightening. Therefore, I used it for a whole month. After which, my uterus had tightened and i feel so much more confortable.

The pigmentation problems that i had experienced too had lessened and my appearance was so much brighter. Now, my uterus is back to normal and I have no more worries about a prolapsed uterus. Thank you Elken and thank you LD-Venus.


3. "An Irregular Menstrual Period”

Cassie Queck
Ever since my teenage days, I had been suffering from irregular menstruation. My menses did not always come on time. It used to come as it pleases, once a month, sometimes once in two months and sometimes, even once in three months.

Due to this, I would also suffer Pre-Menstrual Symptoms such as pimples on my face and mood swings before my menstrual period. Adding to that, I would also go through tremendous menstrual pains and backaches.

After comsumption of LD-Venus, my menstrual cycle is back to normal and I no longer suffer Pre-Menstrual Symptoms. The pimples on my face have cleared and I hardly get moody. I feel no worries and more confident now. Thanks to LD ~ Venus.