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Food can be the cause as well as the cure for diseases. The US Surgeon General reported that two-third of all deaths are diet related. In other words, 70% of all diseases are brought about directly or indirectly by the food we consumed. 

The food we consume on a daily basis in this hurry world is highly processed with lots of added flavouring, coloring, chemicals and preservations. This makes the food that we consume lack of valuable vitamins and minerals that is highly recommended for the body. All these changes brought about adverse effect on our cell metabolism leading to the what we commonly termed as modern diseases. 

In order for our cell to function properly, the human body needs 46 types of nutrients everyday.The Elken Molecular Reform Therapy Step 1 aims to overcome this nutrition imbalance by means of nutrition supplements. 

Spailen Spirulina
Spailen Spirulina, hailed as “The Best Food for Tomorrow” by the Food and Agricultural Organization is the first, pure, clean cultivated pool of Spirulina ever produced in the world. Power-packed with complete protein, Gamma Linolenic Acid, glycogen, more than 13 types of vitamins and 10 types of minerals this alkaline seaweed is ideal for achieving vital health and energy. 

Hi Spirulina
Enriched with Calcium derived from Molokhiya, a plant originated from Egpyt, Hi-Spirulina is another commendable spirulina product. The synergy effect of both calcium and spirulina components promotes rapid healing to a wide variety of health problems ranging from malnutrition to osteoporosis. 

Win EPA 1000
Win EPA 1000 is a natural extrac t of marine lipid concentrate from deep-sea fish in the Artic Ocean and Norwegian Sea. It provides a dietary source of the valuable Omega 3 polyunsaturated essential fatty acids (PUFA), namely Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA). 

Win Ester-C 250
Win Ester-C 250 is simply outstanding in offering protection against diseases and infections. Win Ester-C 250 is four times more bio-available and can reduce the risk of kidney stones by cutting down oxalate salts formation to 80%. This powerful vitamin supplement can be absorbed into the blood stream twice as fast and remains in the body for a much longer duration .