Pengedar Berdaftar Bagi  Elken Sdn Bhd

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Good Health is not the mere absence of disease , but rather an optimum state of body function that allows us to enjoy sound sleep, perform physical and mental tasks efficiently, and keep diseases at bay. Elken 's approach to achieving optimum good health through nutritional supplements based on the concept of Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT) is by far the most effective for busy people of the modern age. With its comprehensive range of health-food formulations as well as various health-care and beauty care products, Elken is able to meet the needs of every individual aspiring for a lasting health and facial radiance.

Elken Molecular Reform Therapy
The Elken Molecular Reform Therapy (MRT) is an approach to living healthfully based on the holistic study of human cell activities. It reinstates what our biological needs are and what we are biologically adapted to by ensuring that the 6 trillion cells constituting to our body are adequately nourished and nurtured. 

The Elken MRT concept promotes proper cell metabolism, stronger body self defense system and an enhanced health restoration ability. Because of its emphasis on an adequate supply of nutrients and oxygen, it is also widely known as the "Nutrition Therapy". The Elken Molecular Reform Therapy works through the synergy of 4 basic components required for living healthfully :


Step 1 Balanced Nutrition
aims to overcome nutrition imbalance
ELKEN Spirulina, Win EPA 1000, WinEster C-250, Hi Fiber Spirulina

Step 2 Metabolism
promotes the increase of oxygen intake
Win Rei SHi, Guasa Board, Guasa Lotion,
Aroguasa Oil, WIn Aerobic Oxygen,

Step 3 Detoxification
promotes effective and natural detoxification
Win Tea, Fujita Lactose-S,
Bio Pure R.O. Water Purification System,

Step 4 Health Regulation
promotes health regulation
Win IG6